
Preview of What's to Come

I have been sewing every night (almost), and it feels great! I made these two new bag designs last weekend and have lots more waiting in the wings. This is traditionally what happens when I try to clean my studio out, I get side tracked by all the patterns and colors. Instead of neatly folding a stacking the hundreds of different fabrics I have … I start to create combinations for new projects (before completing old ones).I know I am not the only one out there that does this! I also come to the unpleasant realization that there is fabric I am never going to do anything with. I have probably had it for a few years and am now focused on the beautiful new designs.
Speaking of new fabric…there is so much out there it is incredible. I find myself searching the internet day after day. Perusing the many websites I frequent but not buying anything. I suppose I feel guilty. Yes guilt by textiles! I know I need to dwindle down the stash before I add more, but we all know that is never going to happen. So why not just indulge and hope great creations come from it.
There is something inspiring about getting freshly cut yards of fabulous fabric delivered directly to your door by the smiling UPS man. With new fabric comes new ideas and I think that is just what the Lime Llama is asking for. So…long story short, I have a bunch of new fabric in my virtual shopping cart so stay tuned for what comes of it!

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